Business Information, Debt Collection, Real Estate Valuation and Distressed Credit since 1993



Partnerships and Associations

Partnerships and Associations

ARC Real Estate is a member of A.N.C.I.C. – National Association of Commercial Information and Credit Management. Furthermore, ARC is associated to ASSOVIB – National Association of Real Estate Ratings for Banks. ASSOVIB is in TEGoVA’s Board of Director.

Associazione ANCIC
Associazione ASSOVIB
Associazione TEGOVA

Through its certified network, ARC Real Estate performs the real estate valuation activities through appraisal and reporting models based on the best international practices. In particular, ARC is compliant with IVS and is a firm regulated by RICS

Certificato Arc Real Estate - sistema qualità
Regulated by RICS

Certifications and Licenses

ARC Real Estate has a UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 quality management system certified by ICMQ.

It has the art. 115 TULPS License for the activity of debt collection, as well as the art. 134 TULPS License for the activity of commercial information.

Certificato Arc Real Estate - sistema qualità
Certificazione Accredia
Certificazione ICMQ

Sigillo ODM A.N.C.I.C.

This seal certifies the specific importance of compliance with privacy legislation for ARC Real Estate S.p.A., a company registered with A.N.C.I.C. (National Association of Commercial Information Companies).
It was, in fact, issued by the Presidency of the Monitoring Body appointed by the same A.N.C.I.C. to verify compliance with the Code of Conduct on commercial information approved by the Privacy Authority on 29 April 2021.
ARC, same as A.N.C.I.C., universally evaluate the approval of the Code as a main goal for the Commercial Information sector, because it offers a framework of explicit rules for all operators and guarantees the security and certainty of commercial transactions in a framework of prevention from fraud and illegal practices, to protect consumers and interested parties.

ARC Real Estate

ARC Real Estate S.p.A.
Via Olmetto 17
20123 Milan (MI)
VAT Number 00845690700

Share Capital: € 822.223,00 (fully paid-up)
Economic Administrative Register of Milan n. 2106515

Privacy Disclaimer ANCIC – EU GDPR 679/2016


Personal Data Treatment Policy – Business Information


Personal Data Treatment Policy – Debt Collection


Personal Data Treatment Policy – Suppliers

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(0039) 02 8287 4100

IT and R&D Departments
(0039) 0874 493606