Data Quality Review (DQR) – Asset Quality Review (AQR)
Combining the competences attained in the processing and distribution of information used for business decisions...

ARC has developed significative experiences in AQR activities, observing the policies issued by the Bank of Italy’s and ECB’s regualtors, in particular UniCredit and MPS.
The in-depth knowledge of the banking system has allowed us to detect clear inadequacies in the security databases with penalizing effects in terms of appreciation of collaterals’ actual value and repercussions on reserves and funds associated to real securities.
BY virtue of its consolidated experience in assisting “Bad Banks” for the technical and legal analysis of real estate collaterals associated to Non-Performing Loan portfolios, ARC ensures maximum reliability not only in the collection of real estate information, but also in interpretating documents for Cadastral and Land Registry inspections, technical consultancies, sales injuctions, etc.
ARC’s competences also extend to:
- support during the activities of verification and populating of information (back office);
- massive cleaning of performing and non perfoming portfolios;
- correct clustering of secured and unsecured non-performing loans.