Business Information, Debt Collection, Real Estate Valuation and Distressed Credit since 1993




ARC participates in the ANCIC Seminar for the Triennial Renewal of the License

On Thursday, October 10, 2024, a seminar organized by ANCIC took place in the prestigious setting of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies, at Palazzo San Macuto. This seminar was crucial for the necessary updates required for the triennial renewal of the commercial license authorization pursuant to the former Article 134 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security (TULPS).

This event, in which ARC participated through its CEO, Dr. Massimiliano De Castro, involved key CEOs from major companies operating in the Italian market for Credit Risk and Risk Management services.

It provided an important opportunity for professional training and updates, with contributions from industry experts who shared valuable information and operational strategies. We extend our sincere gratitude to all the speakers and participants for their contributions and constructive discussions. The commitment to continuous training is essential to ensure high-quality services and compliance with current regulations.


From June,14-15 - 2024, in the beautiful setting of the Tuscan Maremma, we held our annual ARC BUSINESS MEETING at L'ANDANA TENUTA LA BADIOLA RESORT. It was an extraordinary experience, with moments of updating, strategic planning and team building activities such as Golf, Yoga and M_Bike. The theme "PEOPLE AT THE CENTER" guided our reflections on leadership, management and welfare, highlighting the importance of collaboration and corporate well-being.

In order, The Meeting included the following speeches:

  • Opening by CEO Massimiliano De Castro who, as the first Speaker, addressed an important Focus on Leadership VS Management
  • Second Keynote Speaker and External Consultant on Power to work together
  • Third Talk by Speaker Executive Assistant Alessandra Borettini on Corporate Welfare
  • Fourth Closing Speech, by Speaker COO Pagani Matteo, about the COMMERCIAL PLAN: Business Goals and New Strategy

Sincere thanks to all of us for participating in this very special and memorable event. The two days spent in the context of the Resort L'ANDANA, have certainly made us more united and determined to pursue our common goals, giving us moments of pleasant conviviality to treasure in order to achieve with enthusiasm and passion the goals of ambition that we set out to achieve, once again, together.



The "ARC MILAN COCKTAIL EVENT NPL" event was held in Milan on March 08, 2024, at the prestigious TERRAZZA GALLIA of the Excelsior Hotel, organized by ARC and attended by important representatives from the world of investors, advisors and law firms active in the field of distressed credit.

The meeting was an opportunity to illustrate ARC's achievements in the field of participatory investments with reference to the subscriptions of the portfolios named "SATURN," "MERCURY," "VENUS," and "PLUTO", to announce the most recently introduced regulatory changes in the market taken as a reference, and to make an important focus on the opportunity to migrate to the SPV vehicle.

The day was punctuated by technical insights on the NPL topic, speeches by professionals who shared valuable experiences, and pleasant exchanges of opinions among experts, thus confirming the importance of the event on the topic of shared interest, also in view of fruitful collaborations to be inaugurated for the next subscription of tranches of the bond worth five million euros.

ARC would like to thank all those who enthusiastically participated in the NPL aperitif event, and already thinking about future investments, it reserves the right to organize as many occasions of increasing involvement.

Christmas dinner 2023 ARC Real Estate

In the precious setting of The Manzoni Design Restaurant, in the heart of the most elegant and refined Milan, the usual reunion of all the members of ARC REAL ESTATE S.p.A. was held for the Christmas dinner and the mutual exchange of greetings.

The moment was propitious to review, in an atmosphere of convivial closeness, the recently passed stages in the growth path that ARC is facing in the direction of its 2.0 evolution, and to rethink together the next steps that will mark the soon-to-arrive 2024!

There are so many challenges and goals still on the agenda that ARC is waiting to accomplish, and which, in an atmosphere permeated by the festive lights of the cozy THE MANZONI , its closest collaborators wanted to share together with great enthusiasm; so that the sense of mutual trust will be the driving force for every upcoming work endeavor in the beginning and the achievements to be festively celebrated will be beyond the circumstantial event that has seen us gathered here today.

ARC wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Plutone 2023

ARC REAL ESTATE S.p.A. scores a new last-minute investment deal for this 2023 drawing to a close, and recently acquired from a Lombard Bank an NpL Portfolio worth 1.156,000 euros.

In the home stretch of an already particularly positive year, as punctuated for ARC by a considerable increase in investment activities attributable to the distressed credit market, the signing of the sale in the name "PLUTONE," significantly connotes the trend that the Company demonstrates of assuming a leading role as a player in the Italian reference market and notes its consolidated ability to define successful partnerships with "Less significant" Banks.

He is echoed by the Business Development Manager, Mr. Marco Minora who originated the transaction and adds, "I admit that I did not imagine there was such a dynamic banking market in NPLs, having gained a deep knowledge of the "performing" market, especially referring to real estate valuations. I believe that next 2024 there will be interesting opportunities to be seized, as there are already several expressions of interest regarding potential disposals."

ARC Real Estate

ARC Real Estate S.p.A.
Via Olmetto 17
20123 Milan (MI)
VAT Number 00845690700

Share Capital: € 822.223,00 (fully paid-up)
Economic Administrative Register of Milan n. 2106515

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