Business Information, Debt Collection, Real Estate Valuation and Distressed Credit since 1993




Corporate Christmas Dinner 2022 | ARC Real Estate

ARC Real Estate met in Milan to celebrate a 2022 marked by important achievements!

We hosted the Christmas Dinner in the charming atmosphere that distinguishes Brera area of ​​Milan. It allowed us to share the successes and warmed up the enthusiasm of the newfound convivial moments.

"IT Milan" Restaurant hosted this pleasant occasion, which was followed by an iconic After Dinner, that gave the whole team a moment of relaxation.

The event was the occasion for the usual CEO speech, who listed the values ​​of Diversity and Inclusion, themes of emotional intelligence that allow the success of the final objective: win together!

ARC is getting ready for a 2023 with interesting prospects and wishes everyone a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year.

ARC Real Estate Team

Dynamo Camp Christmas Show Gala

ARC Real Estate support the Dynamo Camp foundation, the first recreational therapy foundation in Italy for children suffering from serious diseases, by attending the Gala Dinner on the 12th of December 2022 at Alcatraz in Milan.

Supporting the right to happiness fills us with pride” states the CEO Massimiliano De Castro and add: “ Giving back self-confidence and a brighter future to those in difficulty makes us feel part of a better Italy”.

The Gala dinner has been organised by Gentleman, the lifestyle magazine of MF Milano Finanza and Italia Oggi, with the aim of reaching important corporates in the italian panorama.

ARC emphasize the importance of #solidarity to grow together.

In the above picture Gioele Di Cristofaro Claudia Carla Neri Massimiliano De Castro Armando Gianfagna 

Thank you for your continuous support.

The ARC Real Estate team

Closing 2022: Portfolio multi-originator

As part of a broader NPL program and in line with the strategy of the 2022-2024 business plan, ARC REAL ESTATE announces the purchase of a new portfolio increasing the volume of AUM.

Massimiliano De Castro, CEO of ARC Real Estate, does not hide his satisfaction and states: "The deal completed through a multi-originator structure 
called "Mercurio" has a GBV of 8 milion euros , sold for €2.3 million by Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Fano and for €5.7 million from Banca del Valdarno. The NPL market is a growing market, as reported by the Marketwatch Npl. For the three-year period (between 2022 and 2024) we expect an increase in non-performing loans close to 90 billion euros".

However the management of non-performing loans is not just a matter of business efficiency:

"We have consolidated the financial structure adopted for the latest purchase, which remains an innovation in the NPL sector; keeping the investor value focus high" affirm Alessandro Grillo, CFO and director of ARC Real Estate.

Thank you for your continuous support.

The ARC Real Estate team
New Team Member!

Our group is expanding!

We are glad to have a new asset adding to the team: Nicola Vasallucci.

Graduated in Architecture at the "G. D'annunzio" University and with previous exprerience in the real estate valuation and administrative sector.

Nicola states: "In ARC I am able to shape my expertise daily within a specialized and solid environment".

Welcome to the team Nicola!
New Team Member!

Graduated in Economy and Foreign Languages with a wide working background of almost 7 years in London.

She is fresh resource coming directly from the english capital , bringing a modern touch to our Digital & Marketing Communication department.

Gaia says: "I'm excited to be part of such a dynamic reality as ARC and be able to come back to my country ready for this new journey in the Business Information & Valuation sector"

Welcome to the team Gaia!

ARC Real Estate

ARC Real Estate S.p.A.
Via Olmetto 17
20123 Milan (MI)
VAT Number 00845690700

Share Capital: € 822.223,00 (fully paid-up)
Economic Administrative Register of Milan n. 2106515

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