Business Information, Debt Collection, Real Estate Valuation and Distressed Credit since 1993




A Master in "Expert in Business Crisis" for our chairman Massimiliano De Castro

With great satisfaction, we announce the achievement of the Master in "Expert in Business Crisis", accredited by the National Forensic Council, by our President Dr. Massimiliano De Castro.

A very significant training experience, conducted under the guidance of established sector experts and which was born out of the desire to fully embrace the complexity that distinguishes the current panorama of modern business, to be observed from a forward-looking business perspective.

“The reasons that inspired the achievement of the master are to be updated on organizational structure issues of the company” President Massimiliano De Castro says and adds: “since ARC is a special servicer, absolutely useful and aligned with the dynamics and needs the market, to better understand solutions prerogative of assigned debtors within an ethical and sustainable recovery process".

We welcome a new member to the ARC team!

Our group is expanding!

We are pleased to welcome into our group: Gianluca Grasso.

Graduated in Economic and Business Administration from the University of Milan, Gianluca Grasso is qualified as an accountant and has gained solid experience in American multinational companies and start-ups, in the fields of Finance, Financial Planning & Analysis, and Corporate control.

In June 2023, he joined the ARC REAL ESTATE S.p.A. group, taking the role of new CFO at the head of the Administration, Finance and Control department in support of the entire ARC TEAM for the development of the most immediate and important business plans.

Welcome to our team Gianluca!



Arc Real Estate Spa, Premium Sponsor of #TEGoVA, a pan-European organization in the real estate valuation sector, informs all sector experts, its partners and collaborators, of the TEGoVA CONFERENCE which will be held on 6 October 2023 in Bologna, as part of the first edition of the #EUROPEANVALUATIONCONFERENCE, an important event on the theme of "Sustainability in the real estate sector", together with the top experts in the sector.

Those who register on behalf of ARC Real Estate S.p.A. they will receive a special discount on the participation fee!

For more information and to request the ARC discount code, write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

30 years Anniversary | ARC Real Estate

Today we celebrate a great milestone for ARC Real Estate that reaches 30 years of activity!

30 years in which the boldness and commitment have guided us through a path of great satisfaction and led to new opportunities convinced of achieving increasingly important successes.

Since 1993 we have founded the ARC Real Estate Group with the aim of offering our customers excellent services in the Finance, Business Information and Real Estate Valuation sectors.

Our philosophy is to offer simple answers to complex problems.

Special thanks to all of you who place your trust in ARC, our customers, our employees, our collaborators and partners and all those who contribute to the success of the company.

30 YEARS - The beginning of new perspectives!

Training Course for Real Estate Valuation Professionals | 2022

The development never stops in ARC Real Estate!

This year the team of real estate valuation professionals, working in the network of ARC, took part at the training course on the third week of december. 

The location of the formative meeting was the Office Space Zuretti – Coopernico in the city of Milan, allowing all the surveying network, increasingly wider, to update their competences.

This year's subject was “Properties and Local Taxes". It covered elements of administrative and tax-related law and deepened TA.RI compensation, IMU/TASI tax and CANONE UNICO (single fee) from the stage of establishment of tariffs/rates, taxable persons, liquidations, instruments of litigation and investigations, to the stage of compulsory collection, defining the role of the technical-evaluator in administrative proceedings.

The event was finally held in presence, after two years of lockdown and virtual meetings, strengthening the relationship between the company and network in view of working synergy and improvement of professional relations.

Thank you for your continuos support.

ARC Real Estate Team.

ARC Real Estate

ARC Real Estate S.p.A.
Via Olmetto 17
20123 Milan (MI)
VAT Number 00845690700

Share Capital: € 822.223,00 (fully paid-up)
Economic Administrative Register of Milan n. 2106515

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