Business Information, Debt Collection, Real Estate Valuation and Distressed Credit since 1993




First NPL Deal in 2021

First deal of the year in the NPL market for ARC Real Estate. On January 20th, ARC finalized the acquisition from Banca di Credito Cooperativo Basso Sebino of a NPL portfolio with a Gross Book Value (GBV) of € 3,2 million.

The new year has started with a big step forward in the Non Performing Loan market, in which ARC continues to consolidate its position. 2020 has, in fact, represented a great beginning and a turning point for these new activities, a truly pivotal year considering the emission of the minibond, occurred precisely to support the development of the new business.
"We are proud of our growth in the indusrty" has affirmed the CEO of ARC, Massimiliano De Castro, "In just over 12 months we acquired three different portfolios, increasing the asset under management, and we aim to constantly raise the volumes. The company's historic know-how has been essential fot the creation of the new processes and activities, and we are very satisfied with the previous operations' performance."

The future growth will be mainly sustained by the investment linked to the minibond, the offer period of which will end on March 28th. "The world is experiencing a peculiar time, which still offers many opportunities in the distressed credit market." has stated Mr. De Castro, "We will use the minibond, effective alternaitve to the traditional funding channels, to expedite the achievement of our growth objectives. We have considered the market as an anchor investor seeking out optimal returns, who would understand the asset class of NPLs."

Thanks for your constant support

The team of ARC Real Estate

New Purchase of NPL Portfolio

ARC Real Estate, global and independent info-provider, has successfully finalized the last operation of the year 2020 in the NPL industry by closing the deal with Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano to purchase a NPL portfolio (with mixed positions, secured and usecured) with a GBV of around € 6 mln.

The company continues to grow and reinforces its position as a professional partner able to present an end-to-end offer, playing the role of originator during the portfolios selection phase, advisor during the valuation one, and servicer for the debt collection process. The current delicate economic situation did not restrain ARC's work, which, as always, has demonstrated great resiliency and dynamism in facing different events.

In view of the financial crisis and the exponential growth of the NPL market, ARC's strategy turned out to be forward-looking, diversifying the services offered first in the collateral valuation industry, and then in the distressed credit one. The previous specialization in activities ancillary to the correct valuation of a NPL portfolio represents the true expertise of the company. The combination of legal and real estate know-how allowed ARC to establish itself as a one-stop shop, a reference point for small players in the market, with a comprehensive offer for all the necessary services to support our clients during the entire process.

Thanks for your constant support

The team of ARC Real Estate

New Team Member!

We are delighted to welcome to our team, Simona Delli Paoli. Economics, finance and financial markets graduate and expert accountant, Simona will be our accounting specialist.


Second Training Course for Appraisers

From 3rd to 4th December 2020, appraisers of ARC Real Estate's network had the opportunity to take another course and the relative exam to maintain the certification of “Real Estate Appraiser” in accordance with the UNI 11558:2014 regulation. In particular, the valuers improved their knowledge of the Income Approach (defined in the UNI 11612:2015 regulation).

This year, the course was offered online, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and it consisted of 20 hours plus the final exam. The appointed teacher was prof. Stefano Biagiotti. All participants expressed positive thoughts about the experience and they all have brilliantly passed the exam, confirming the high professional level of the entire network.

Thanks for your constant support

The team of ARC Real Estate

New Team Member!

With the aim of strengthening the Real Estate Valuation department, ARC is glad to announce that Giuseppina Rizzi, RICS member and arichtect with a 25-year experience, will be joining the Team.

Giuseppina Rizzi will operate as Head of Valuations - Large Market, overseeing corporate real estate appraisals. In the past, she was in charge of the Property Valuation office of Unicredit, supporting the Loan Department in relation to appraisal issues.
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ARC Real Estate

ARC Real Estate S.p.A.
Via Olmetto 17
20123 Milan (MI)
VAT Number 00845690700

Share Capital: € 822.223,00 (fully paid-up)
Economic Administrative Register of Milan n. 2106515

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